About Us
Founded in 1955 by the late Fabrizio Mori, 'The Archaeological Mission in the Sahara' collects the legacy of 'the Italian-Libyan Archaeological Mission in the Acacus and Messak' from the Sapienza University of Rome. It thus represents one of the longest archaeological realities operating in the Sahara.
Initially dedicated to the study of the extraordinary prehistoric cave paintings, the Mission has intensified in recent years the integration of knowledge and disciplines - from geoarcheology to palaeoanthropology, up ethnoarchaeology and ancient history.
The place of research, the central mountains of the Sahara, is an excellent laboratory to explore the dynamics of the relationship between climatic fluctuations and cultural strategies over the long term, from the Pleistocene up to current times. The outreach of our research includes actions aimed at the safeguard and enhancement of Saharan cultural heritage.
Main funds come from Sapienza University of Rome, through a specific grant "Grandi Scavi di Ateneo", and the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs (MAE, DGSP). Other institutional funds come from the Italian Minister of University and Research (MIUR, PRIN/COFIN) as well as from private bodies.
Savino di Lernia (director)
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via dei Volsci 122
00185 - Roma
+39 06 49697092