The Park Project
The establishment of a National Park in the area licensed to the Italian Archaeological Mission is a priority among our
activities. At least until 2011, tourism represented a considerable source of revenue for Libya, whose impact on the fragile desert ecosystems was not properly managed. Equally, geological prospecting and drilling carried out by oil companies contribute to the development of local and national industry, but put the integrity of vast regions at risk. The regulation of access for tourists, the training of competent and responsible guards, the distribution of licences and grants for the exploitation of hydro-geological resources, control over the development of infrastructures, are some of the main aims of our proposed conservation plan, which also involves the active participation of Tuareg communities.
Unsustainable tourism in rock art sites (Tadrart Acacus)
Learn more
Liverani, M., M. Cremaschi, and S. Di Lernia 2001. The «Archaeological Park» of the Tadrart Acacus and Messak Settafet (south-western Fezzan, Libya) Sahara 12: 121-140.
di Lernia, S., and M. Gallinaro 2011. Working in a UNESCO WH site. Problems and practices on the rock art of the Tadrart Acacus (SW Libya, central Sahara). Journal of African Archaeology 9:159-175.
di Lernia, S., M. Gallinaro, and A. Zerboni 2010. Unesco Word Heritage Site vandalized. Report on damages to Acacus rock art paintings (SW Libya). Sahara 21:59-76.