In collaboration with the Libyan Department of Archaeology, the Mission has launched some projects (EAP, MP, PP) aimed at managing and enhancing the immense archaeological and naturalistic heritage in SW Libya. In general, the Mission has adopted a best practice protocol which includes the use of non-destructive and environmental friendly technologies. The reconstruction of excavated monuments, the ‘sustainable’ protection of rock art sites, the use of solar energy, are just some examples. Furthermore, we are deeply engaged in the dissemination of the research results among local communities, via meetings and other tools (e.g.: panels on major excavated sites).In 2004 the Garamantian compound of Fewet was restored (by means of the consolidation of exposed walls and surfaces) after the excavation. A fence and informative panesl were set to musealize the site, which has become an important attraction, especially for the local villagers. It represents a successful example of 'applied archaeology', whose outcome has been shared with the inhabitants of the modern oasis of Fewet.